Neil Young Archives Vol. 1 not identified

Content you’re reporting an issue with

Neil Young Archives Store current download version of the Archives Vol. 1 is listed by Roon as “Unidentified”. This is the 128-track version. It appears that the listing for the CD version is 125 tracks.

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?

Original metadata listed album artist as “The Squires” for most all tracks. Changed to Neil Young. This placed the album under “Neil Young”, but the album is still “Unidentified”.

Is the album identified in Roon?

No, not this version.

I do have an MP3 version of just the Riverboat Show Disc (tracks 43 through 62) that is identified.

Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?

Local Files.

Screenshot of import settings

Description of the issue

The issue appears to be due to the Neil Young Hires Store having a different version than what the other metadata providers list.

I suspect that the problem is due to the number of tracks and it not matching any of the current metadata providers.

The first disk of the 8 CD version may be identified as Early Years [without the Archives Vol 1 attribution]

Thank you for the response; however, I don’t think this is the problem. The version I have is the 24/192 download from the Neil Young Archives Hires Store. The digital download is not broken up into separate CDs, and all tracks are sequentially numbered from 1 to 128. There are three tracks that are labeled as either “Hidden Track” or “Previously Hidden Track”, which accounts for the track difference between the CD release with 125 tracks and the download I have with 128 tracks.

I compared the running order of the tracks that I have to the running order of the DVD version listed at Musicbrainz, which also has 128 tracks, but the order of the tracks don’t match.

There are four versions of the DVD release in the Roon database that I tried to use to identify the album but the track running order for all four versions didn’t match the running order of what I have.

It looks like the version on the Neil Young Archives Hires Store is different from any of the versions on Allmusic, Musicbrainz and Discogs.

Has anyone else run into this issue?

I looked to see if I could post a link to the version I have from the NYA Hires store, but the only link I get is to the main page of the store, not the individual release.

Not a big deal at the moment, but hopefully something that can be fixed eventually so that the release is identified.

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