Network bandwidth limited to 1Gbit/s max?

Since a few days I have a much better bandwidth with my internet box. The new bandwidth is 8Gbit/s. Please have a look to the captured screen.
I have to say i have two equipments connected to my internet box. I have my NUC11 where ROCK is running. I have also a network player. It seems to me that both equipments have a maximum bandwidth of 1Gbit/s each. I am wondering what i can do to improve the bandwidth of these two equipments. I thank you very much for your help. Christophe

Depending on the box you installed Rock on and the inbuilt ethernet, they are probably limited to 1Gb a second.

There is a good chance adding a PCIE Ethernet card wouldn’t work as Rock might not have suitable drivers for them installed. You’re best bet might be another Linux distribution that has broader support for devices like Ubuntu or DietPi that many of us use for Roon.

I would also ask what you need that would possibly need more than 1Gb traffic to your Roon server, and maybe the if it isn’t broken don’t fix it mantra would hold (though many of us like to Tinker so I am not saying that there is no value to this).


You’ll need to make sure your local infrastructure is upgraded and capable of 10gbps including your roon server hardware.

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You didn’t say which NUC11 you’re using, but assuming it’s one of these:

  • NUC11TNHi3
  • NUC11TNHi5
  • NUC11TNHi7
  • NUC11PAHi3
  • NUC11PAHi5
  • NUC11PAHi7

…it looks like the NIC supports up to 2.5 Gbps, assuming it’s connected to a switch port that will negotiate to the same rate using a quality patch cable.

As @Michael_Harris said, it’s unlikely that Roon Server will benefit from an Internet connection faster than 1 Gbps. Latency is far more important than bandwidth above about 50 Mbps or so. Your measurements do not indicate latency, but I’d be looking for values in the low single-digit milliseconds.

If you have a large local music library that’s stored on a NAS (network attached storage), a local 2.5 Gbps (or faster) connection for both Roon Server and your NAS could be beneficial during your initial audio analysis. However, after the analysis is finished, you’re unlikely to observe any performance differences compared to a reliable 1 Gbps connection.


I thank you very much for your answers. Yes i can confirm that the NUC11 can have a bandwidth of 2.5Gbit/s.

And yet 100Mbps would be sufficient for any Roon stream or task.


I can confirm that I get 2.5Gbps to my NUC11TNHi7:

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True if you are only dealing with one stream. Two or more streams of 768MS/s 32 bit stereo audio will require a 1Gbps ethernet connection (each stream taking just shy of 50Mbps but it’s not generally possible to sustain 100% bandwidth utilisation).

However, your essential point is correct. 1Gbps is enough for any but the most exotic multi-zone Roon systems.

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