Never ending Mac Roon update

Is anyone else experiencing this issue? I use Roon on both a mac notebook and a mac mini (Roon server is on a NUC so this is just the control thingy).

I have updated to build 1311 on both devices but the pop up asking me to make the update continues to appear.

Everything works fine otherwise but I have to keep checking the details and then ignoring the request

The current build is 1392, so something has been going wrong with updates for a very long time. (1311 is from September 2023).

I’d manually install the latest version on the Macs and use the Reinstall button on ROCK‘s web admin page to force the update to the latest ROCK version.

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Many thanks for your time. I’ve just done that on the macbook and now have 1932. I’ll do the desktop later. Now to see if I can spot the difference!

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Quite a few changes and fixes since then, you can find all release notes here:

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