I suspect an issue with Qobuz integration, without being sure of that.
It can also be something i did wrong, but it happens several times, and at least once, I had to drop out the album from the library at least 3 times. It always reappears. This makes me think it’s not a user error, but a clear bug. A makes me thionk it’s linked to Qobuz sync. Instead deleted the favorite in Qobuz, it brings it back. No sure about this, just a potential explanation.
Looks really strange. Somebody with a similar issue ?
check if the “garbage can” is within the search path… if so simply delete or move the garbage can out of the directory structure roon observes
Good idea, but it’s not the case. I think it’s definitively due to Qobuz. I just realize that I have arround 10 playlist I didn’t create, plus some favorites.
First action was to change password on both Qobuz and Roon account (but Roon has a connection log, and it looks good). I change also my Qobuz pseudo.
Let’s see if this has an impact. I wasn’t active on qobuz forum, I will also have a look.
I had this start happening to me this week. 5 or 6 tracks showed as recently added to my roon playlist in my “Recent activity”. Not a fan of these ghost adds.
I’ve been deleting them from my roon library as they show up.
This strange behavior didn’t occurs any more, but I had kind of ghost favorites during a couple of months, without having clear explanation. Some days, I had 5 to 10 new favorites that appears from nowhere.
My strongest doubt was about some integration bug in the Qobuz/Roon connection. But I didn’t find any reason to be sure about that.
I reinstalled Roon (Windows 11) and I replace Qobuz and Roon password by strong password. Again, not sure this was the reason.
But it looks now as ghost free
This is happening to my Qobuz now. Had to delete probably 20-30 tracks and albums that showed up as new on the Albums page sorted by date added. Changed my Qobuz password.
Does anyone else have a remote app attached to your server , maliciously or otherwise ?
The only other option I can think of is that Roon finds metadata for an album with a different name than you think it is . Roon , not quite constantly, reviews the metadata in your library and may do things like change cover art depending on your settings
The first one is more likely
I use Roon as a remote on iPads, iPhones and Kindles. Not sure that is what you are asking though. Nothing new showed up in My Albums over night.