New Chromecast Now Playing bugs / feature requests

First, thank you for the latest update. I’ve long wanted to capitalize on Artist Art while Now Playing. It looks fabulous using Chromecast on a big’ole TV screen!! I’ve got almost 2,000 artists and growing and have spent lots of time curating artist art - first for the Artist/Album Page and now for Now Playing. Some problems and feature opportunities:

  • It appears that in some instances artist artwork that I have previously added to Roon is getting “bumped”. This means it is replaced by roon art, and my added artwork simply vanishes.
  • It seems the artist artwork dimensions that previously worked on the Artist/Album Page are different than what’s needed for the new Now Playing page. Lots of instances where the Artwork is full screen on Now Playing, but remains a thumbnail on the Artist/Album page. This occurs for both roon-provided and user-added artwork. What are the “official” dimensions that will accommodate both?
  • Same topic, it’s unclear whether Artist art should be sized for full screen with the artwork bottom covered by the opaque white color with album and progress bar, or sized for the area that’s visible, or either?
  • I’d be interested in knowing why the bottom of the Now Playing is white, and not black when I have selected the Dark interface? And why it could not accommodate either, via the existing choice either a Light or Dark interface? My Now Playing Dark screen without Chromecast looks fabulous, and would seem to be a preferred presentation for many users.
  • Are there plans to add the upper-right hand toolbar from the iPad Now Playing page to Chromecast? My suggestion would be NOT make the toolbar visible as it is without Chromecast, but appear as a pop-up which can be selected from the “3 vertical dots” access point on the remote iPad screen. This would avoid adding more clutter to the visual area, and allowing users to choose their desired content.

Again, love all you are doing in this area and appreciate the consideration.


Not sure why Roon would “feature” my questions to their developers in their newsletter and then not address any of the questions. …?