There are DAC manufacturers that offer DSP functions to enhance the musical reproduction to one’s preferences.
F.i. Weiss or Ferrum.
Such options could be added as well to Muse.
Vinyl Simulation: adding that special sonic character when listening to a vinyl record player in your hifi set up
Tube Amp Sim: getting that special sonic character when listening to a vacuum tube (pre)amp. Adding distortion, but only even order harmonic distortion that adds warmth and richness to the sound, without adding noise.
De-Esser: The removal of overly bright sibilances from human voice reproduction.
Spatial Enhancement: via clever crosstalk suppression we get the soundstage being wider and deeper (where the source material already has some), without adding distortion, change in frequencies or reverb. It would be useful to offer two settings; one optimized for speaker and one for headphone playback.
If you want to tailor the distortion profile, expand or compress the dynamics, add LP like shaped noise, etc etc to your music, you’d need a digital audio workstation, but it seems Roon’s not into that sort of thing.
But it’s trivial to setup a current Raspberry Pi or any PC with Linux as a DAW using free software and looping your audio data through that to achieve your goal.
Hi Marin, no need to get so defensive/pessimistic.
It is what it is: a suggestion. A suggestion based upon the observation that Muse already exists and has eight different modules that one can use or not.
There is even a module only for one brand (Audeze).
It’s Muse’s purpose to tailor the sound to your liking (by paying attention to CPU usage).
There are several suggestions that after months do have zero votes, so I think after just 24 hours it’s not that bad.
Wenn using Roon 1.7 I never thought they go to offer mobile support, yet now we have ARC.
I work for BACCH Labs ( and we’d love to put our crosstalk cancellation algorithm into Roon as an additional Muse option. Hoping someone from Roon can reply and I can get into contact with them. We consistently win high end shows with the BACCH-SP hardware from Theoretica. And this same algorithm is available via dSP licensing from us. Hoping we can integrate right into Roon!
If anyone has any leads, please shoot me an email Thanks!
This would be exciting as you already have developed the audio related code for this.
If integrated, it would come down to the pricing of this option.
At the moment you ask more for an UBACCH solution on a MacBook than Roon for a lifetime license.
Yes, the price is steep, but the BACCH-dsp software is responsible for the single greatest improvement to my listening enjoyment in over fifty years of audio indulgence.