New Releases For You already in library?

Thanks for clarifying, appreciated. But I feel this needs to be stated clearly in the announcements etc. There seems to be a trend recently whereby new features/improvements are announced with the assumption that everyone is using streaming services which is not the case. The New Releases announcement simply says "Vālence lets Roon show you new releases you care about, based on your library and listening history. The more you use Roon, the better the “New Releases” will get! You can also favorite the artists you love to ensure you never miss their latest. I don’t see anything saying unless you have a streaming subscription that New Releases will not be shown to you at all…

I have asked a similar question about Valence here… and maybe you can advise on that too.
The bottom line is I get an email and lots of publicity about this new amazing machine-learning technology, but nowhere in the announcement does it say anything about requiring a subscription to a streaming service.

This also begs the question - If as the announcement says “The secret ingredient is the Roon community; Vālence learns from the musical tastes of over 100,000 expert listeners who use Roon” - then is my listening data being used to construct/tune a system that I receive zero benefit from?

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