The new NUC 11 will be my daily driver. But the former HTPC Roon server will be occasionally used. I understand that I have to de-authorize/authorize moving from one to the other.
Note: Presently, only my owned files are involved – no Qobuz or Spotify files are involved. Also, I rarely add new files. But my library @<200k tracks is large.
I’ve been reading Roon’s Knowledge Base and dozens of Posts from the forum re. file migration best practices and individual user issues. But questions remain. That may be the case because some apply to my instance and others do not. This is why I’m asking for your input!
My current HTPC Server has music on 2 (two)-internal hard drives (16TB and 2TB).
The new NUC will have 1 (one)-20TB Ext.USB drive. But obviously, the storage location drive letter paths on both PC’s will be different. Should that matter?
My top level folders will all have the same names. For example, I’m using the 16tb and 2tb ** HD names** as top level folder names in the new 20TB HD. Then the sub-folder names below these, will be as they are on the 2-different HD’s. And of course, all of the music sub-folders names will be identical (untouched).
Will pointing one core to a different storage location (2-HD’s/different letters vs 1 USB HD) than the other, cause any file location problems for Roon on the 2-independent servers (which will NEVER run simultaneously)?
Once I shut down the HTPC with the 1st. Roon server and start the Roon-ROCK server (Note: I have previously started it to take a peek at it), I intend to introduce Roon’s (most recent) Database Back-up via a USB stick before introducing the new 20TB HD (loaded with music files). Also, I could forget about the USB stick and save the Back-up file on the 20TB HD (loaded with my music).
Is using a USB stick to introduce the Back-up more recommended, than introducing the Back-up on the 20TB music HD, OR does it matter?
I assume, I then run a Restore of the Database Back-up file!?!.
Do I then establish the Storage Location? I ask, because of this note: “Adding a new storage configuration location without removing the old configuration can cause file identification issues.” Quote from here: Migrating To ROCK
Must I then remove the old storage location on my HTPC Server (& shut it down), before adding the new storage location on my new NUC-ROCK?
The above link directed me to here: FAQ: How do I move my collection to a new folder, hard drive or NAS, Will I lose my edits?
But because I’m copying (duplicating) files, NOT, as the title states MOVING files, DOES this FAQ link apply to me?
If the FAQ link doesn’t apply to me, then the following questions about the FAQ Link can be ignored! Thus, please ignore these questions and (if you will be so kind), please address my final/ending three (3) paragraphs (thanks).
But with the 2nd. link’s (FAQ) following statement: “If you are adding new files that Roon has never seen, then you can skip this whole thing, as Roon will just find your new files automatically.”.
My NUC ROCK Server has never seen the files, but my HTPC Roon Server has seen them.
Then, if the above “moving” (vs copying) doesn’t rule me out, does this – If you are adding new files – statement rule my situation IN or OUT?
If the statement applies to my instance, then I have additional questions:
“If you are moving files between locations, drives, or machines, then it is best to avoid letting Roon see 2 copies of the same file at the same time.”
My Question: if my one server has to be de-authorized, before the other is authorized, how could Roon “see 2-copies”?
Be sure you have a current backup of your database before proceeding
In Roon’s Settings > Storage, remove all old storage folders that contain the files that are being relocated.
Does that mean I need to do this with with my HTPC Server? If so, when I go back to the HTPC Server, I would need to add-back the old storage folders. Is that truly necessary?
For performance reasons, if you are adding a large amount of music (1000’s of tracks), quit Roon (or stop RoonServer on Nucleus). The best experience will come from letting Roon look at the folders when the files have settled.
How will Roon “look at the folders”, when RoonServer or NUC are stopped?
Move/Copy the files to the new location
If you stopped Roon in Step 3, start it again.
Is that before or after Roon looked at the files. And if either, how does one know the “looking” has ceased (if indeed anything is being looked at, with the RoonSever or NUC stopped [see #3])?
In Roon’s Settings > Storage, add the new watched folder location.
My Above Alluded to Final/Ending Three (3) Paragraphs follow:
Will my having 2-different servers (switching occasionally between them) cause any “confusion” for Roon? If yes, is there a way to prevent it?
Should I run a back-up from the active server, restoring it on soon-to-be authorized new active server (when I’m switching from one to the other)? I suppose I should, assuming my Playlists have changed and I would like to see them, even though I haven’t added or deleted music tracks from the library. What say you?
I believe I have the instructions in order, but wonder about the nuances as I’ve described and questioned? Am I missing anything, or should I be doing something I haven’t mentioned?