New Streaming Radio Station - How to add to Roon?

Octave records, a Colorado based recording studio has started a live stream. It’s free and they would very much like to be part of the Roon environment. Can I add it to Roon for personal listening, or do I need to request the help of a moderator?

Thanks for your help!


You can add the station yourself, but the live radio curators can also add this for all to enjoy.

There I have move you post to #live-radio.

The URL you provided works (in the UK, too), so you may add it yourself by going to Live Radio and clicking “+ Add station”. Then paste the URL into the appropriate field.

Do they have a website? Information about the station? A logo? Genre of music for keywords?
The more information you give us the more we can add to the station in Roon.

I did a google search and it says PS Audio comes up with reference to Octave Records, is this correct?

edit: I added the stream with some generic information for now. take a look and let me know if it works for you.

Octave is a wholly owned subsidiary from PS Audio. Received the following email this morning. They have DSD level recording and some radio stations won’t play their music as it isn’t compressed enough! LOL. Anyway, the referenced note is below: By the way, I can reach out to Paul and get more info. if you like. Thanks again for your help!


Octave Radio

In yesterday’s Paul’s Post I described our delight when the local FM radio station turned us down because our music was too dynamic. They loved the music, just not the recording quality which didn’t fit their worldview of how music should be homogenized.

I get it. We all get it.

But, that got us thinking. Why not start our own radio station?

Octave Radio.

Now, this is very much in its infancy and I am giving you a sneak peek. We’ve got lots of work to do to get it where we want: the right air personalities, the right musical blends, featured artists section, new music hour, etc.

But for now, enjoy Octave Radio. There are no ads. The service is totally free.

Jessica and I are the only DJs, so far, but that’ll soon change.

If you want to add the station to your Sonos or or Roon services, here’s the actual stream URL:

At home, I use the Tune In app. If you want to do the same, touch the three dots in the upper right corner of the Tune In app, select My Stations, and add Octave Radio using the above URL. There’s also a player on the Octave page.

Over time, we’ll get the station listed on services that will make it easy for you to ask Alexa or your smart speaker to play Octave Radio. For now, early adopters can enjoy.

For me and Terri, sitting on a warm summer’s evening on our patio, playing Octave Radio with a glass of rosé is my new best evening pleasure.


I added what I could from your post and from their Octave Records page.

Changed the name to “Octave Radio” as in your post.

You might send a note to Paul and see if he has any feedback. I have not talked to him for years and he would not remember me I think. (met him years ago at RMAF).

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Thanks very much!

Octave Records has a radio link on their page, I’ve isolated an url that works from a browser but it won’t add to Roon. Can somebody smarter at this than me have a go?
The playable url is:

The page with the radio link is here it’s 3/4 the way down the page:

@Kieran_McCoey, I have merged your post with an existing thread. It appears that the station is already available in Roon.


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