New Version of Delibes Album on Qobuz has wrong Cover Art

Content you’re reporting an issue with

Album: Delibes: Suites from the Ballets; Royal Scottish National Orchestra, conducted by Neeme Järvi

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Description of the issue

The original version of the Delibes: Suites from the Ballets album on Qobuz has been made unavailable, and replaced by a new version. Unfortunately, the cover art is from another album entirely.

Here’s the original (now unavailable) album:

And here’s the replacement album:

Our metadata for this look correct. Perhaps Qobuz had the wrong album cover for a short while?

I also get the first album cover (the pink one) in Qobuz. That is the correct cover art. In Roon I get the second cover (the black, RESPIGHI), that is clearly wrong.

If I select the Tidal version in Roon, the album cover is correct.

Roon has two versions of this album - the first is the one with the incorrect album art…

I’m not seeing this.

It feels like a bad image is being cached somewhere.

I didn’t have this album in my library and see the erroneous cover, too.

After saving the album into the library and using the Identify Album function, I see the same two versions offered as shown in @Geoff_Coupe’s screenshot.

In the Qobuz desktop app, the album is shown with the correct cover:

Okay, I’m seeing this now. The perils of being a metadata developer: I had Qobuz disabled on my Roon Core as I was testing something :man_facepalming:

I think that there was a temporary mistake on the Qobuz side and that cover has been cached deeply, because the metadata are now good. The best option is probably to wait this one out or use this correct image from the Qobuz website if you don’t want to wait.

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