Nils Lofgren Artist picture wrong

im a little surprised that no one has adressed the issue of Nils Löfgrens artistpicture isnt Mr Lofgren at all. Actually its Swedish trumpeter Nils Landgren.

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Blame Rovi, eh @joel? :wink:

Just add your picture of choice.

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Didnt kkow I could do that. Ill give it a try.

Yes you can, and if the file is big enough it fills the whole top section looking really cool.

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Yes, I always replace Roon’s pic if it doesn’t fill the top section.

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Wonder how big it needs to be to fill the top section?

Or any pic that is 1980 x 1080 or 1280 x 720 will work fine. Or if you have a bigger pic, you can crop the pic yourself to those dimensions (which I have done many times) and it works fine.

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