No ARC connection after router reset


after resetting my router (FritzBox 6591 Cable with FritzOS 7.57 located in Germany) I noticed, that I also have to restart the roon server to have ARC working again. Roon server complains about not being able to open the port for remote access. After restart of the roon server everything is fine again. Is that an expected behavior or a bug? Because I run several times into that issue and I made a dedicated test today and saw the connection failing.

I have asked this question several times, but in my opinion running roon server as a daemon would be better. I don’t like the idea of having a user always active with connected to the internet.

Thanks in advance for any information.

Cheers, Stefan.

You haven’t described how ARC is setup, e.g., UPnP or port forwarding. However, if your router is assigning Roon Server a different IP address when reset, the observed behavior is possible.

Ideally, use DHCP address reservation in your router to assign the same IP address for Roon Server.

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In the FRITZ!Box the UPnP is allowed per device, so this is a good option that should automatically take care of everything

Of course, if you reset the router then you have to reconfigure - this seems to be the point of resetting something

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