No connection HQPlayer and Microrendu NAA?

My setup


My setup
server: sonicTransport i7 with Roon Core and HQPlayer Embedded

streamer/dac: La Rosita Gamma HD with built-in HQPlayer NAA Microrendu

connections by LAN and router

remote: iPad pro 10

The problem:
Last night I wanted to listen to music but after I started a piece of music with my iPad there was no sound although I could see the music was playing on my remote. After searching for a while, I saw on the configuration page of HQPlayerd that there was no network audio backend filled in and that nothing could be chosen. Here the Rosita with the microrendu should have been seen (normally: current: mrendu - 01EED8: La Rosita 2.0 : USB audio). Apparently there is no connection between HQPlayerd and the Rosita / microrendu. I now play via the RoonReady app in the La Rosita and that’s going well.
I think there could be be two things wrong:

  1. the HQPlayerd software is no longer OK or
  2. The microrendu has a defect

How can I check if the micorendu NAA(which is built-in) and the software of HQPlayerd are functioning properly or not?
If the software of HQPlayerd is not OK should I remove it and do a new install? Whats the best way to do that?

I did already an update/reboot on the sonicTransport and the La Rosita but with no positive result.
Maybe there is something else wrong?

Some screenshots to make it clear:
HQPlayer NAA

Greetings, Bert Dijkstra.

Hi @Bert_Dijkstra,

Are you able to play directly to the MicroRendu zone from within Roon, bypassing the HQPlayer aspect?
Does that work without issue?

Hello Noris,

As you can see on the first screenshot I can choose with the Audio App Switcher for RoonReady. That’s bypassing HQPlayer but if it bypass the Microrendu I don’t know, yet it’s working without issues.
Today I was doing some research and had contact with the developer of La Rosita and he suggested to use an Apple Mini (I have one without use) because of possible upgrade problems caused by Microsoft. While I was doing this I saw on my laptop (also windows and also without use/upgrade) the configuration page of HQPlayerd that my Network Audio backend was recognized and it was the same on my PC and… there was music.
I really don’t understand why it returned to the old situation. If it was because of an update by Microsoft there would be a lot of people who should have the same problems like me. Now I’m the only one with this problem as it seems.
Of course I’m very interested if someone can tell what the cause is .

HQPlayer sometimes likes to see the NAA on start up. So the order in which you turn equipment on or reboot things can make a difference. It is more robust in this regard than it used to be, but it may be that was what you experienced.

If it should ever recur, try turning everything off and then restarting from the DAC backwards to the server so that when HQPlayer starts up it can see the NAA already on the network connected to a DAC that is on and has has the appropriate input selected.

Where does the laptop fit into this issue? Were you running HQPlayer on it there? Sometimes Windows Updates revert apps allowed through the firewall, so you can check that. Otherwise you might want to reach out the HQPlayer support and ask them for further configuration assistance.


I think it must have been something different because I never turn off both the sonicTransport and the La Rosita. I always start with my remote on the iPad, only this time everything seemed to be correct according to the remote, but there was no sound. Furthermore, I have had both devices perform an update and restarted several times, but that didn’t help either. Because I always saw both devices on the manage page of Sonicorbiter, I knew that the network was not a problem.

I don’t use the laptop anymore, but it has a Roon Remote on it and I can access the configuration page of HQPlayer via Sonicorbiter. Since I last used the laptop for at least a month, I knew that it had not been updated by Microsoft and that it would not cause any firewall problems. At the same time, I was installing my Apple Mini for the same reason. Frankly, I don’t understand the story of the update issues caused by Microsoft. The Core and HQPlayerd’s software are on the Linux-based sonicTransport and it is on day and night while my PC is off when I’m not working on it.

Hi @Bert_Dijkstra,

Thanks for the clarification here. Since the HQPlayer software is embedded on the SonicTransporter, I would reach out to the Small Green Computer support staff for further assistance (green “Contact Us” button on the bottom right):

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