No luck with Flirc Remote for Ropieee

I have a problem with the Flirc receiver connected to Raspberry Pi with official screen configured as an endpoint for Roon (USB audio for external DAC, no hat). Although Flirc is correctly detected by Ropieee (see screenshots below) it does not transmit any commands.

Zone is definitely set up properly because the display works fine and the functions available on it (play/pause, prev, next) also work properly. I have very same zone name (“PiHiFi”) for Display and Remote (in Ropieee) and in Roon audio settings. The Ropieee Remote Control extension is enabled in Roon.

The Flirc receiver certainly works properly and is configured properly - when connected to other devices (PC, macBook) it passes right keystrokes to the system. According to the instructions (page 38), I even set up just simple “Media Keys” (which doesn’t really matter - Flirt acts like a keyboard after all).

It seems to me like Ropieee software (even despite the fact, that it recognizes Flirc) doesn’t get keystrokes received by Flirc.

What I did so far:

  • I made sure that the IR signal from the transmitter reaches Flirc receiver in Raspberry Pi (I’m 100% certain that it does and this is not an issue)
  • I restarted Roon / Ropieee several times
  • I tried different USB ports for Flirc
  • I reinstalled Roon Bridge on Ropieee
  • I remove all extensions in Roon and installed and enabled it again
  • I tried different controllers layouts in Flirc
  • I even tried other remotes as transmitters for Flirc (and again: Flirc works perfectly fine with other devices but not with Ropieee)

no luck at all unfortunately…

What else can I do?… Can I somehow access Ropieee from SSH to verify in some logs if it actually receiving keystrokes from Flirc? Or maybe I should try to reinstall Ropieee entirely?

Software version: RoPieee 2024.04.2 (1620)
Board: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1
Remote receiver: Flirc 3.27.16
Remote transmitter: Harmony Hub IR

  1. Upgrade to the latest version
  2. Send me feedback after pressing some remote keys.

I think you are at least 4 releases out of date.

Thank you @spockfish for your answer.

  1. Upgrade to the latest version

I will do it with the greatest pleasure, but how to do it? I don’t see any banner like “update is ready” or button “download and install”. On “Advanced” tab I have update channel = “stable” and auto update = “on” (see screenshot below). How to force Ropieee to update?

  1. Send me feedback after pressing some remote keys

When I click “Send Feedback” button the message “Gathering info & sending it to RoPieee HQ…” appears - and that’s it. I can wait an hour - nothing more is happening.

As I wrote to Harry - I will be happy to update, but how? There is no message about awaiting update in Ropieee.

Try clicking on some of the headings in RoPieee and see if a notification shows up. Otherwise, I guess you could download the latest version from here.

I think that both issues point to the same problem: there’s something in your infrastructure (firewall?) that prevents connection to the outside world.

But I’ve been using Ropieee for years - so far everything was fine. Yes, I have firewall, but connections initiated by LAN computers are allowed - I have plenty of devices, all of them can easily access internet. I don’t have any specific rules for Ropieee. Besides Ropieee on start is synchronizing time with some NTP server - and I think there is no error.

@spockfish two simple questions: 1) can I somehow SSH into Ropieee to check network connectivity? 2) can I force Ropieee to upgrade? or the only viable option is to write SD-card with new image (i guess it will be 20240928.1802)?

Then I suggest you reflash; it seems that something is broken.

check the size of your SD-card, too; minimal size is 8 GB now

Eventually I ended up with Ropieee installation from scratch using newest image (2024.9.1 stable 20240928.1802). Also no luck but… I finally understood what was causing the whole problem: I couldn’t save the configuration in Ropieee because I didn’t see a banner with this information (I thought just clicking “Apply” was enough).

This is the culprit of all the confusion: the Ropieee’s web interface and more specifically this element: div.containercontainer.alertContainer

I barely use IP addresses in my LAN - I’m always using domain names and reverse proxy. And, in my opinion, Ropieee incorrectly fetches data to this element using WebSocket asynchronously.

This is what I see using HTTPS / domain name:

And this is proper view using HTTP / IP:

Here is console error:

I “blame” Ropieee’s interface because I’m using dozens of much more sophisticated services this way (like Synology web apps, Ubiquiti Unify, Proxmox, HomeAssistance, etc.) - and everything is working perfectly fine. I’m using Nginx Proxy Manager as a reverse proxy with “Websockets Support” option enabled.

My humble suggestions for @spockfish

  • please fix above issue, I believe there are plenty ways you can do it and Ropieee can work behind reverse proxy flawlessly without rising “mixed content” error
  • please add very simple but usefull diagnostic functions on “Advanced” tab:
    • “check connectivity”
    • “force upgrade” :slight_smile:

To cut long story short: after reconfiguration (which I was able to run using IP) and reboot - Flirc is working in Ropieee as it should. Thank you @spockfish for this amazing piece of software.

Reverse proxy support will be fixed in the next release.

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Thank you Harry! :beers: