I know the way Roon determines DR is different from the conventional method which will lead to differences but I have a question about a specific album. Norah Jones’ “The Fall”, SACD and CD is showing a much lower DR value in Roon than from the data listed on the DR wars website (http://dr.loudness-war.info/album/list?artist=norah+jones&album=the+fall). Roon is showing a DR of 5 and 6 for the SACD and CD release respectively while the DR wars website is showing 12 and 9. (Aside: Oddly the SACD DR value in Roon is lower than then CD DR value).
Can someone please explain to me how it is possible that the DR values in Roon is so much lower? Looking at some other albums in my library I dont see such a big difference.
The differences in my library are often larger than what you are seeing with that Norah Jones album. The method used by Roon (R128) to calculate DR is significantly different than that used by the DR database (Peak–to–Loudness Ratio)…
“Unlike R128 and BS. 1770 meters, DR measures dynamic range from the perspective of a music engineer’s needs. In contrast, R128 and 1770 are designed to control loudness for commercials , not measure dynamic range for music, especially pop music. DR isn’t designed for broadcast loudness control, it’s purpose is to gauge the amount of dynamic range reduction, or the absence of dynamic range contrast. Designed by a member of the EBU ploud committee, the same body that created R128, DR informs an engineer about how much the mix is being or has been “stepped on,” dynamic range-wise, not about “will it pass through a broadcast chain without loudness reduction?”
For what we music enthusiasts are looking for, I think the Dynamic Range Database DR numbers are much more useful. It is much easier to tell when music has been compressed.
For example, I can look at the amplitude wave Roon shows and see how compressed the music is. But, the R128 dynamic ranges numbers can be very similar for tracks that show little amplitude variation or for tracks that show large amplitude variation. You don’t see this with the Dynamic Range Database DR numbers.
Yes, that is a nice thread. But the Roon developers do not either understand or will not admit that the R128 standard is specific to the broadcast world and is misapplied when used in the music world. At least in regards to telling us anything about the dynamic range of the track. The R128 standard was and is about loudness, not dynamic range. They are not the same thing. The Dynamic Range Database method of computing DR gives us a much better idea if the mastering measured is compressed compared to other masterings.
I would posit that the R128 loudness number is completely useless to us. It may be important to Roon but I never need to see it. The DR Database dynamic range number is quite useful to me. It lets me compare multiple masterings of the same CD and come away with a really good idea of which is going to me pleasing to listen to.
For volume leveling, using the R128 DR standard makes a lot of sense. It is actually designed to check loudness levels for broadcast so it is perfect for volume leveling.
But the MAAT DR method of measuring is far better for indicating the actual dynamic range of a track and for indicating tracks that are highly compressed. I can’t think of a reason any of us would ever need to see the R128 DR number since it tells you NOTHING about how compressed or not a track is. I would much prefer the option to see the MAAT DR number for a track and have Roon use the R128 DR number for volume leveling. Best of both worlds…