Now Playing screen: Album year?

Please, please, PLEAAASE!

I must be missing something…because I always want to know…what the year of release and then when did I add it to my Library. Both are right there on the right side of the album it shows both date released and date added. Under the album it show the Resolution it was recored in and the album length in minutes. It’s always been there??? The play count is there as well… Right next to the length in Minutes of each track!

You see this information on the Now Playing screen?

Hey Morbeas,

Well maybe I don’t know exactly what the Now Playing screen is. I always use the view you see…With exception of individual songs…I don’t know other views…

All you need to do, from that view, is to click the arrow in the top left corner to take you too the “album” screen! Once you’re there you’ll see all you want to know…


Well, the whole point of this thread is so that we can see the year directly on the Now Playing screen.

+1 This would be useful

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