Now Playing screen: Album year?

My apologies if it’s an obvious thing but I’d like to be able to show the album(or track) year on the Now Playing screen. Is this user-configurable?


Not at the moment. This would be a good Feature Request, if you want me to move it to that section.


Yes, please. Thank you.

I agree, album year would be a great idea. I would love to see it shown on Album view too.


I join this good idea :+1:

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+1 from me.

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+1 from me as well.
I’ve posted it in the 1.6 feedback thread but there it’s probably overlooked.

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Any updates on this? I honestly think besides the artist, the release year is the most important piece of information that should be displayed.

Is it really that much of a design decision whether or not to display this information?

Please please please! :slight_smile:

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+1 from me. Handy info to have.


+1 from me also. I really miss that info!

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Yes please!
Only wrinkle would be whether to display the original release date or the reissue date for albums that have multiple releases. Personally I would default to the original.


Yes, original release year is mostly closest to the recording date (which I would prefer), the latter being my sole interest. Re-re-releases are of no concern to me.


Exactly this. When listening to a song, most people will think “what year was this song released?” and they mean the original release year.

I’m really surprised this request is still not implemented. I’d think this is basic and pertinent info for any playing track. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


I couldn’t agree more

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+1 again on this.

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Not only on the now playing screen. On a screen with a row of albums, the date shows. If you click “show all” there are no release dates on the resulting full list screen.

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Yes, that would be very nice and very relevant to me. +1


I can’t believe roon doesn’t show year in album view


Yes, this would be a great feature

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I associate myself with this request, this element and the play count are the two things missing.

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