Now Playing screen - is a track 'on' an album or 'from' an album by that artist


Was playing some Bill Evans, the Bill Evans Trio performing ‘On a Friday Evening’, and looked at the Now Playing screen, where the track name is listed as ‘On On a Friday Evening’, given that the album name etc. - see below for screenshot.

Which made me question - has Roon got this wrong? Is a track ‘on a Album’, as if is ‘on’ Side 1 of an LP, or ‘from’ an Album, where the Album is a collection of tracks grouped together.

The same is true for Classical music, should be movement be not ‘from’ a Symphony, rather than ‘on’

For the music collection we have stored locally or internet streamed from a service provider there is no physically medium for the track to be ‘on’, so isn’t it just ‘From’ that piece of work?

@mike Thoughts?