Hello i would like to test my NUC11PAHi7, where ROCK is installed, with WIFI6 internet connection . I know specific equipment can be used to work with wifi. Could you suggest to me some references ? Is ROCK ok to work with WIFI6 instead of RJ45 ethernet cable ? I thank you very much for your help and recommendations . Have a nice day . Christophe
ROCK has no WiFi. It’s a very striped down Linux distro, and is made to work with Ethernet.
The team also recommend not to use the server on WiFi. Ethernet only.
Yes i know wifi is not the recommended option to work with ROCK. But as i have a very good WIFI connection i would like to test this option. We watch TV under WIFI6 protocol and we have no troubles at all.
Would a USB TP LINK adapter, plugged to the NUC, make the job ?
A video stream makes completely different demands on the network from the RAAT protocol used by Roon. Absolutely no guarantee that what works for one will work for the other.
Also, because Roon OS is stripped down, there’s no guarantee that it will support a USB wifi dongle.
Unless someone chimes in with knowledge of a working dongle, you’re going to have to take a gamble (on several fronts).
You Rock Server doesn’t need to be on WiFI just plug it in to your router and let all your endpoints be on WiFi. Most routers have 4/5 ports, hide the NUC somewhere close to it, or get a switch, they cost pennies.
To get WiFi working you’ll have to try other Linux distributions such as Ubuntu, or Windows, or a Hackintosh if you want to use MacOS.
If you install Ubuntu server, you’ll need to enable Wifi by modifying a cfg file I believe.
Above is a quote from Rugby.
I thank you very much for your answers. Have a nice day.