Nucleus: a doubt about the use of the internal SSD

Good morning everyone. I apologize in advance if the answer to my doubt is stated in some post in the community or in a kwoledgebase article: I could not find it.
Roon is currently on a QNAP NAS with a suboptimal configuration: for this reason I am planning to purchase Nucleus.
On the NAS I have separated on two external SSDs the Core (and thus also Roon’s library) and the music files. Separation motivated by performance and back-up reasons (I copy the Core and library every other day, the music files only after adding new music.

With Nucleus I have the option of installing an internal SSD that I would allocate for music files (as I have seen in numerous posts). But in this case the system (the core, the server, the library…) where would they be installed?
I hope I have made myself clear.
Thank you

Every Nucleus comes with an m.2 SSD, which is where the Roon OS and Roon software is installed.

Optionally, an additional 2.5"drive can be installed to store music on.

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I think that your new situation would be like mine. I have the Roon server on a laptop, and the music files are also on that laptop’s internal drive. It works fine.

However, I make all changes to music files on another computer and then transfer new stuff via a USB thumb drive. In effect, the operational music files (used by Roon) are a backup on the server laptop.

The music files on that other computer are also regularly backed up via Carbonite, whom I recommend highly.

As to backup of the Roon database and server files, I believe that is what Roon’s own backup procedure does.

Perfect. Now it’s clear!
Thank you Geoff

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