Nucleus HDMI output to Sonos AMP HDMI input - No sound / music playing

Just purchased Nucleus (Rev B) and connected HDMI output to Sonos AMP HDMI input to play music to wired tower speakers. I’ve tried both HDMI A and B output ports of Nucleus but no sound is coming out of Sonos AMP but Roon Remote shows that track is playing.

To make sure Sonos AMP HDMI works for Audio only input, I connected my CD Transport via Toslink to HDMI adapter to Sonos AMP and am able to play CD through Sonos AMP via HDMI input. So I know that Sonos AMP HDMI audio input works.

Any assistance and guidance is much appreciated. Thank you!

Did you select the Sonus as an audio zone to play too from settings?

No because I don’t want to use Sonos network to stream the music from the Nucleus. My goal is to use the Nucleus connected to the Sonos AMP via HDMI that powers non-Sonos passive speakers. BTW I’m able to connect Nucleus via USB Audio to DAC and DAC RCA to Sonos AMP RCA inputs and play music as well as group with other Sonos speaker zones. But I want to switch that to HDMI to HDMI and that’s where I’m running to problems with no sound output. I’ve figured out how to group the Sonos AMP with other Sonos speaker zone to sync and play in multiple zone. But I’m not able to get sound out of Nucleus HDMI directly.

You still have to select a HDMI output though under settings.
I don’t have a Nucleus and don’t use HDMI so can’t really speak from deep experience here unfortunately.
But the nucleus does still need to know where to send it’s output I believe.

Hi Peter I am traveling at the moment and power it is off to Roon, but my settings are as below and changing the settings to 24/48 is important for Sonos as it cannot handle higher than that.

I saved these screenshots for a fellow user who had similar issues to you.


Thanks, Michael for these screenshots.

I switched back to HDMI A output on Nucleus (Rev B) and changed the settings as indicated and still no sound coming out of speakers connect to Sonos AMP. Here are the screenshots:

As you can see, the 2 HDMI ports on the Nucleus are distinct devices that should be able to be selected and play through as any other RAAT device. Roon Remote thinks it’s playing fine but no sound coming out. And I know that the Sonos AMP HDMI input works when I attach my CD Transport using Toslink to HDMI converter.

I’m baffled. I could have a defective Nucleus HDMI ports cuz I tried both HDMI ports and still no sound.

Hi Peter I no longer have a Sonos Amp to test (and I am several thousand miles from home), but I plug my NUC HDMI into the input TV which is then plugged into my Sonos ARC.

Have you tried running it that way just to test it out.

Thanks, Michael. No, I have not tried it that way because I don’t want to have to turn my TV on to play music. I too have a Sonos ARC with Sub and Era 300s as surrounds for watching TV. But for stereo music, I have tower speakers that are connected to the Sonos AMP along with my CD Transport and wanted to integrate my new Nucleus Music Server in that setup.

I’ll try that just to rule out if the Nucleus HDMIs are the culprit. Thank you!

No problem, I can’t remember if the Sonos Amp is just an EARC device, as I had a problem with another device that would not work and when I plugged it in through my TV it worked

You could have checked the tech specs. Sonos Amp is HDMI ARC only.

HDMI ARC connects to an HDMI input, not output. It will not work with an HDMI output.


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Nice work Andrew.

That’s what I suggested :rofl:

Not quite, Michael. It is not eARC. That was a much later extension to HDMI ARC.


Very true, but it would have worked :grin:

These days I incorrectly label everything as EARC just because the world has moved on :face_with_peeking_eye:

It was probably the Sonos AMP that I had the issue with as I had a pre release model for beta testing and it took me ages to work out why I couldn’t get HDMI audio out of it until I plugged it into my TV.

These days, almost any component that is audio centric rather than video centric and has what appears to be an HDMI input actually has an e/ARC port for connection to the same on a TV.


@WiWavelength Thank you for pointing out that the Sonos AMP HDMI input needs to connect to an HDMI ARC of a TV. So I tried as @Michael_Harris suggest above and connected the Nucleus HDMI out to my TV and TV’s HDMI ARC to the Sonos AMP and it played the music. But I had to keep the TV on which is not what I want to do.

I already had the Sonos AMP to power my non-Sonos passive tower speakers but was not using the HDMI input since my CD Transport was USB to my DAC then when I purchased the Nucleus from the dealer they assured me that I could hook-up the HDMI output of the Nucleus to the HDMI input of the Sonos AMP. I guess that doesn’t work.

So now I’ve figured out an alternative which works the best for my two use cases:

  1. CD Transport > Toslink SPDIF > Sonos Toslink/HDMI Adapter > HDMI input of Sonos AMP
  2. Roon Nucleus Server > USB Audio > USB DAC > RCA > Sonos AMP RCA inputs

I’m happy with my new setup. Thank you all for your help!

And that is all that matters.
Enjoy the music :+1:

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