Nucleus on UniFi network

Roon Server Machine

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Connected Audio Devices

Sonos speakers, iPad, iPhones. Will be upgrading to Bluesound speakers/OS

Number of Tracks in Library

Description of Issue

Had been using Roon with Sonos since January 2023 with some success. Lately it’s been losing connection to groups. Decided to move TV and Music onto it’s own network, since kids were staying up too late using the default network. I put a schedule on that Wifi network, hence the need for the TV’s, Sonos, Roon to not lose connectivity. After creating a Multimedia network, I’ve lost sight of the Nucleus.

Does anyone have a cheatsheet to set this up properly

What devices are on your multimedia network? All Roon devices (Server, Controls, and Zones) must be on that network. This includes Sonos devices and smartphones, tablets, and computers running Roon or Roon Remote.

I have a UniFi network also and have created an IoT VLAN that’s firealled off from the rest of the network (only has access to the Internet). Roon and all audio devices stay on the main VLAN.

If you need to limit access for specific devices, it’s probably better to use MAC address filtering. Scheduling access is not something that the UI supports, but a solution like this may be workable.

David, thank you for your response. I went down the network scheduling based on UI’s support that it couldn’t do device level. I’ll look into the reddit post, as I’d MUCH rather do it that way!


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Actually this is not the case for UniFi for all zones. Airplay zones can be put on a separate network to core and controller and work with out any issues as do chromecast as long as you have mDNS active and all vlans are setup up as corporate vlans. By default UniFi will pass any traffic across from each one unless you purposely block it.

You can have remotes on any vlan and they will see and work with the core and any Chromecast or Airplay clients can be on any vlan to.

RAAT zones need to be on the same vlan as core and so does Sonos, but there are ways to get it too work but they are more complicated and require UDP proxy.

If you choose to use Airplay and not Sonos streaming you can have your Sonos on a different vlan as long as you don’t block anything. If you are blocking traffic on day iot vlan then you would need some rules setup on the router to allow certain traffic and ports to pass through.

Fair enough. I don’t have any AirPlay or Chromecast zones. :slight_smile:

You are correct that, by default, UniFi allows traffic between VLANs, but usually you want to add firewall rules to block that. That’s what I’ve done for my IoT VLAN.

My main point was that there may be better ways to solve this problem than VLAN’ing off some members of the family. :slight_smile:

Apart from segregating IoT devices, I have found that VLANs create more problems than they solve in a typical home environment.

I’ve found the opposite. Chromecasts work far better when on their own. Roon would loose sight of them regularly on any update, since they have been on their own network never an issue. I followed UniFis guide for them which says to put them on their own. I do have an iot vlan that’s isolated so it can only have traffic to it from the others it can’t talk back use this for hue and a few other smart devices. As they communicate with apps over the internet I can use them happily without having to go on that network. I do tend to keep my phone on Roons vlan mind but it works fine from any of the others accept iot.

Agreed you could solve this problem with different ssids or just have schedules for devices.

Would you be able to elaborate on the different schedules for different devices? I was hoping to do this at the device level 2 years ago, but when I contacted UniFi support they said they don’t support device level and that I should just schedule the WiFi network that the iPhone is on…

Sorry yeah its only for the wireless SSID, which is how I would do it. Block the devices from any other wireless network, have them on their own SSID so that this is then locked out at the scheduled time. But you can lock out phones and tablets after a certain time using parental controls via iOS or Google.

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