Number of unread posts dissapeared?

Hello, when I go to the community I see the number of new topics and i used to see the number of unread posts. Yes, ‘used to see’…
How can I get this number back and did I do something to lose this?

For me the unread posts number only show up when there are actually unread post is threads that I am tracking, if there are no unread posts in threads that I am tracking it does not show at all. And as far as I can tell there is no “setting” to change this behaviour. Just need to make sure you are “tracking” or “watching” a thread to get notified of unread (“new”) posts.

You might also want to check the tracking settings under your user preferences. There you can define when a topics automatically becomes watched or tracked.

Thx - I will try this

Thank you, will also look into this.

Thanks for your help - got the unread posts back! :partying_face:

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