NW-ZX1 Hires Android Player - Not supported :(


I wondered what the technical reason are for my hires audio player not to be compatible with roon, when it is running on Android 4.1.1?


I would love this!

It probably has only a 32-bit processor.

I see, so it should be supported down to 4.1.1 if it had a 64bit cpu? I read somewhere 4.4 being mentioned.

I didn’t realise the 64bit restriction was for android, as I knew it was for iOS.

My bad. 32-bit CPUs are supported on Android and 4.4 is indeed the minimum Android OS as we use some 4.4+ specific API calls.

It would be great if a version could be made. The player is very good.

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It would be good to get a cut down player, without those 4.4 api calls :slight_smile:

Would that be possible?


:+1: :thumbsup:

I would love if a Roon Bridge for Andoid could be made available!


Does Roon Bridge work on earlier versions of android, or just so we can play music directly without the android gui?