Once again... please update Sonos hardware!

I didn’t think that would fit into your music listening anywhere

You’d be surprised, I do have some odd surprises. I really liked this which is why I acquired it. I do have some Ozric Tentacles in my collection to.


Well look at it from my point of view, anyone who’s looking at spending 50+ quid on a toy pistol they are going to point at a spinning disk thing; obviously has more money than the proverbial.
Not to mention lacking in any restraint :smile:


Have we expanded Whats moving and grooving to occupy new territory?

And considering I have given him a perfectly valid cheap diy option that works and sworn by many vinyl junkies.

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Well if I had a :heart: your post could have it for that kind of statement :grinning:

There is no sacred territory in this thread :rofl:

You must have me confused with some other idiot that cannot show restraint, looks around there are many to choose from :rofl:


The moderators will be along soon

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I think I got this off my sister in law which is strange as she was a late 70’s 80’s soul fan. Just goes to show you can’t judge a book by its cover. More my brothers taste but it wasn’t his.

Well I swore last night to not buy any more music this next month. I bought 3 more CDs this morning from Music Magpie. :person_facepalming::man_facepalming:


"Einstein was a handsome fellow, nobody ever called him Al
He had a long moustache to pull on, it was yellow
I don’t believe he ever had a girl"

It’s a pretty good album.

Battersea power station on the cover. :smiley:


I think I might have to drag out my Butthole Surfers albums later.

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Can’t be me , I am extremely restrained, :grinning: my straight jacket is a size too small.
I’ve only bought 24 L.P.’s and a couple of C.D.’s in the last 8 days.


Just so you all know - I am on holiday and I did not break up with this thread :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::hugs:


Well get on with your holiday instead of hanging out with defectives.

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