One artist, split into four different artists in search/database

Content you’re reporting an issue with

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?

Yes, but only to Albums in one of the Artists pages

Is the album identified in Roon?

Most albums of the Artist are not recocnized

Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?

Local files

Description of the issue

If I search for artist “Oldřich Janota” I get 4 results: The one with image is tied to Tidal, but has no info on the artist and only list albums in Tidal library. The one with the exact same name, but with no image, is my local roon library anchor for the artist, with correct info from the Wikipedia. The result “Oldrich Janota” is the same artist, but the name lacks diacritical marks. The result “Janota Oldrich” has the name and surname switched.

All these four hits should be one and should be merged. I contributed the image for the Tidal linked one, only to later find it was separated from the local.

I suspect the issue is with the Czech letters with diacritical marks (ř,š,č,ž,ě,ý,á,é…) as they seem a little off font-wise in the roon library.

I’m not much help here however, Roon search is not good at the best of times but diacritic & accent marks make the search results even more unpredictable. You have probably already discovered that trying with and without those marks may produce the results you need, it’s not the best method but if frequently produces the desired results.

What happens if you manually merge them using the ´merge artist´ function? That should do the job, but is admittingly a bit of work if we are talking about more than one artist. I encountered a lot of similar problems with classical artists. This one just popped in while adding new albums:

I tried several ways to tag things so roon would recognize it, but once metadata is poisoned with inconsistent artists´ names, it is hopeless. Manual merging in roon works flawlessly and it is also good for future spelling problems of the very same artist:

Indeed. I may be noteworthy to mention that all to-be merged artists must have a credit on an album that’s in the library, else Roon refuses the merge

But how do you invoke the merge function? The four hits from the screenshot is from the top right search function. When searching/filtering in My Library, I get only one hit (the one with correct info from wikipedia, but without picture and without Tidal integration).

Also, how do you add new “Member of” connections for links roon doesn’t know of?

There would be a „Merge Artists“ button top right, after selecting more than one artist. (Which you can do either in search results as you did or in My Artists)

After clicking this button, you get a choice for which one shall remain and shall have others merged into it. (If they are not obvious to distinguish - sometimes there are more with the exact same name, which may or may not represent the same person - make a temporary edit to their names in the artist editor)

BUT, as I mentioned, every selected artist must be in your library, i.e., must be credited on an album in your library, else the Merge button does not appear. (And they also must be in the library to make edits possible).

(If you have to add an album to the library just for enabling the merge, you can later remove it again; this doesn’t hurt)

There’s no way as far as I know


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