One thing I still don't entirely understand is ZONES

Hi, I use Roon 1.3 with the core on a 27inch iMac. I use an Oppo Digital HA-1 DAC/AMP and sometimes a Dark Voice Tube Amp fed by an AUNE X1S, or an iFi-Micro iCan SE for headphones that are particularly hard to drive. I also have Roon Remote on my iPhone and on my laptop. I have not tried using it on my Apple TV but I want to get to it. It’s just that I don’t entirely understand how to set the zones properly.

My iPhone is connected by Bluetooth to an external speaker sometimes, but the problem is, whenever I want to use the Remote on my phone the external speaker is in a ZONE group and the audio defaults to that. I cannot sort out how to get it to play through a DAC, for example on either of those two devices.

I can potentially have this problem on other devices - I have an iPad and if it ever becomes an option, I have an Oppo BD105, but I am not really the quickest study with this stuff - I don’t understand half of the messages in this forum. Sorry. For example, I don’t really understand what a zone is, or why they exist. I figure “system output” is self explanatory, but I see it available on my laptop in two different groups. I just saw that there’s now a manual, and I shall surely study it, but any help would be appreciated.

Apple products (iphone, ipad) can not play back music, they can only act as a remote control for a zone.

yes I know. that’s why I said I was using Remote for those devices

The Zone currently selected should appear in the bottom right corner of your phone screen

Click on this…and the choose the “Switch Zone” option

This will bring up a list of all the available Zones…and choose your Oppo zone from the list…a check mark will appear to the left of your choice

When you go back to the main screen, the Zone in the bottom right corner should now be the Oppo zone and any music you choose will now play thru that zone

Each Zone (or group of Zones) is the output of a Queue. You decide what gets sent to that Queue using a Control. When you select a new Zone, then you will be sending music to the new Queue associated with that Zone. Roon supports multiple simultaneous Zones/Queues. You can play different content on each, or if the Zones are all the same type (RAAT, Meridian, Squeezebox, Airplay or Sonos) you can group them to play a single Queue. You can also transfer Queues between Zones. You can configure DSP separately for each Zone and you can Shuffle or Loop each Queue.

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