See this post / thread.
But if you have a strong WiFI signal you may be fine.
UniFi’s free WiFiman app (iOS / Andriod) should be able to give you an idea of your current WiFi throughput. Note: it’s only your local WiFI network you want to test, your external bandwidth / thoughput is irrelevant.
If your getting over 300MBps then you can probably use a ‘WiFi Range Extender’ which will connect to your network as if it were a regular WiFi device and expose an ethernet port into which you can plug your Nucleus.
All the major home network manufactures like TP-Link and Netgear sell them, but something like this or this, depending on whether your current WiFi is 5 or 6 (again the Wifiman app above should be able to tell you that). And ideally from somewhere that accepts easy returns in case it doesn’t work for you or you find it too tricky to setup.
To improve stability / throughput:
- Turn off the WiFi radios on the extender itself if possible. You only need the extender to bridge the devices ethernet port to your current WiFi network, you don’t need or want to extend your WiFi network.
- If you can’t turn them off, give the extended WiFi networks a unique name (SSI) and don’t connect any of your other devices to these networks.
- Use the 5GHz option to connect back to your current WiFi network / router. This might be labelled ‘Fast Lane’ or ‘High Speed mode’ in the manual.