OPPO 205 as server

I want to use my OPPO 205 as a Roon Ready server but want to output to go to my HOLO Spring 3 as the DAC and bypassing the OPPO ESS chip an into my Hegel H390 for sound.


The Oppo 205 can be used as a Roon endpoint .
I guess you could send the digital output of the 205 direct to the Holo.
Looks like you have choice of spdif and toslink digital outputs.
I assume that would limit you to 24/192.
That should bypass the 205 internal DAC.

So if I buy a ZEN Stream I could use the USB output. Correct?

Yes that would work.
But if you already have the 205 why don’t you give it a try over say spdif?
You might be surprised.
I actually output spdif from my Oppo 103 to my DAC when using it as just a CD transport for same reason, to bypass the Oppo DAC.
It sounds good to me ears.

I would compare sounds as the oppo DAC is very good in my opinion. I had no complaints with mine.

I’m doing that right now and also trying out the DAC in the Hegel H390.

Fun toys to play with.

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