Option to block/ban all edited/‘clean’ versions of tracks

allow the option to block/ban all ‘clean’ versions of tracks

Hi there, per the post title, I’m suggesting an option to block/ban edited (also known as ‘clean’) versions of tracks.

Even with the functionality of the ‘prefer edited versions (clean)’ toggle switch in Settings>General, edited tracks still appear in daily mixes and other playlist generated content.

This makes for a very jarring and frustrating experience, and edited versions of tracks should really only appear in playlists if the aforementioned switch is toggled, otherwise it is safe to say most users do not wish to have 2 out of 20 songs to be edited for no rhyme nor reason.

Roon is there to make listening an absolute treat, but some of its feature-set cannot currently be enjoyed to its maximum potential.

I hope that even those that do not listen to music that may contain an expletive can still see the issue with listening to music, only to get to a song with words completely chopped out or replaced, and how profoundly this would affect the user experience.

Hoping to have your help give this sufficient visibility that the dev team can add this to a future milestone or sprint.

Thank you! :grinning:

It would be useful to have a few examples here and details of which streaming service you are using and in which country. It would be unusual for there to be an edited version, but not the original.

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I’ll try and grab some screenshots. I seem to have deleted the screenshots I took before.

Streaming service is Tidal, country is Canada.

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Not sure if this helps, but here’s an example from the US:

So shouldn’t the Explicit version be favored over the non-Explicit one?

You are correct, it would be very unusual, so ROON shouldn’t be selecting a “clean” version ever if it has been selected not to prefer that, yet it does.

TIDAL app settings have no bearing whatsoever on Roon. In Roon’s “General” Settings, there is an option to “Prefer edited versions”. IIRC, it is disabled by default.

Mine’s currently disabled: