Options for a Permanent Roon Control Display

This seems like a simple question but just cannot seem to find what I’m looking for. I have various android devices running the roon app and they work great. I have a Squeezebox Touch that my other half loves as it’s always there next to the stereo, always powered and ready to go. I’d like to replace this with a Roon equivalent but dont want to leave a tablet with a battery permanently powered on. I have looked at devices like Amazon Echo and Google Nest Hub and, apart from paying for bunch of stuff I wont use, seem to fit the bill. I can’t get confirmation that I can run the Roon App on these devices. Every google search talks about streaming TO these devices, not controlling from them. Have others done this or with similar devices?

Can’t say for sure about Echo but Nest Hub is IMHO a no go (no access to the app store, OS insists on power saving and/or screensaver mode on the display after a short time, not even sure if the OS is compatible/the same as Android). The Nest Hub is a special device (like a smart watch too, just different use case) in Google’s device ecosystem and not a regular Android phone or tablet.
Use a tablet, with suitable display and power saving settings you might get more than a day out it before you have to charge again, charge times aren’t long nowadays with suitable quick charge devices, a tablet is mobile (if not permanently charged) and can be used on the couch, at the table, in the listening chair, … you get the gist of it. A standard tablet can also be used for other stuff too. I just bought the Lenovo Tab Plus as my multimedia tablet (Remote Control for not only Roon, also watch videos {mostly YouTube} or play music on it on occasion, use as e-book reader and can even function as Bluetooth speaker for other devices). Fun fact: Most 10" dedicated E-Book Reader cost more to buy around here than this Android tablet.
If you really want a stationary always mains powered device, search for a small/cheap AIO computer or a Mini-PC device and a small (touch) display. Or use the Mini-PC with the/a TV as monitor and add wireless mouse and keyboard as somewhat mobile controls for it.

Example for small AIO:

Thanks for replies. I have tablets and some old phones around for Roon usage already but not the solution I’m looking for. Sounds like a mini PC or Raspberry Pi based device might be the go - thanks for your detailed advice.


Roon (Client / UI) is available for Windows (on x86) and MacOS IIRC. So what do you want with a Raspberry Pi? Do you know of a sure way to do/get what you want from a Raspberry Pi? Make sure before you spend the money.

Thanks. I know what Roon looks like on tablets, I already have it running on Android tablets and phones and on a windows PC as well. Was looking for something low powered, without a battery.

Get a mini PC - I use a BeeLink Mini S12 that easily runs Roon remote - there are small touchscreens available that could provide the display - needs to be enough resolution to be compatible with Roon specs - the mini PC was not expensive and has low power draw. The Raspberry Pi is not suitable as a Roon controller so you need to use Windows. You could opt for a Raspberry PI official touchscreen and use Ropieee instead - but it works out more than the mini PC these days. The Beeline Mini S12 is very quiet btw.

Edit - I dont know if you can control all zones using Ropiee/Touchscreen option so this would need some research - I still think Mini PC is the answer

You’re looking for a tablet unfortunately.
You’ll want a fanless x86 one with a half decent screen. Depending on the model (lots of devices have mitigations for this) you’ll maybe want to integrate a smart power brick to cycle the power occasionally for the battery. You’ll need to ensure that you can kill the display without killing the touch input. This lets the display fully shut off, but turn on when the screen is touched, WITHOUT sleeping the system or any other nonsense that will add latency. This is doable on windows pretty easily if it’s supported (it’s a quick few powershell commands) and you can figure it out for your choice distro if you go linux (but then you’ll need to run roon’s ui in Wine).

I have a ton of tablets around being used like this. I tried the miniPC + touch screen route but unless you’re wall mounting it (and want a “large” screen) , it’s not elegant and an absolute waste when there’s insanely cheap x86 tablets floating around that fit the bill. Only reason to do this is a wall mounted 20"+ display, otherwise the tablets will be better every time IMO.

For windows, if you only intend to use Roon’s UI, you can pop it into Kiosk mode so you’re not dealing with access to any of the windows desktop.

Android is pretty garbage for this, unless you can root the device you most likely will not be able to independently turn off and turn on the display without ‘locking’ it or interfering with touch input and that’s pretty essential IMO

Thanks Eve! x86 tab is a good idea and it has broken me out of the android thinking. Battery is still an issue but as you say, there might be options to manage that better.

Frankly, most newer x86 tablets from reputable companies are going to have mitigations in place anyways that should prevent the issues which can crop up somewhat rarely (things like battery bulges and stuff)

100% though, having tried everything you can probably think of, the x86 tablets were the answer. Anything else had drawbacks.

You might want to look at the Fire HD 8 Plus tablet. It’s the only tablet I’ve found that supports wireless charging. I have one and it works pretty well. They have a bundle that comes with the charging stand:

You do not want this unless you can root it. I tried some of the fire 7 tablets and they will not do what you want them to do out of the box.
For android you need full control of the lock screen mechanism (hard to do on the FireOS) to disable it, and you need to independently control the display on/off WITHOUT interfering with the touch. If you’ve locked the tablet, the process for ‘roon’ is not active, there will be a brief delay after unlocking as it’s restored. This is unacceptable.

The goal is the chosen system runs the app / desktop app 24/7 in the foreground without sleeping, only turning off the power to the display. The touch aspect of the display (or a camera with motion but YMMV there depending on the room) turns on the display.