Organized folder, what advantages?


When defining the storage location there an option for “Roon folder” and other “organized folder”, What is the advantage of let Roon organize my library ?

I can have a watched folder without ROON mess my own folder structure , so is there any advantage ?

Thank you


I don’t feel there is an advantage however I’ve been pretty good about keeping my own meta data clean. Some here have enjoyed Room cleaning up and reorganizing their files. Perhaps those who have used the option can chime in with personal experiences. You can also search on “organized folders” here in the forums as there has been a couple of previous threads on the topic.

For those that already have well orgainised music folders there’s no advantage, infact it may be a disadvantage as it will reorganise and rename files to the Roon standard.

For those who’s collections are less structured, allowing Roon to organise rather than performing it manually is a distinct advantage.