@support After I eliminated the wifi extender from my network my original generation Pixel would connect reliably to my Rock core. Now that I upgraded to Pixel 3, I have to reboot the core every singe time when the phone losses connection to get connected again. I kept my original Pixel and it doesn’t have this issue, just the Pixel 3.
Nothing has changed in my network configuration, same router, switches, etc…
How often does the Pixel 3 disconnect? Does it occur while the app is in use or when waking from sleep? If you completely close out the app and re-open it does it reconnect?
I use Google Fi and the Pixel 3 was connected to the Google Fi VPN as @WiWavelength suggested . My first gen Pixel didn’t do this. When I disconnect from the Google Fi VPN then it connects to the Roon Core flawlessly every time. Sorry, new phone so still learning the ins and outs.