Play artist added to queue

I have built a queue with some cool stuff and then I want to add an artist, or a few artists. And I’d like to random play among those.

But Play Artist (or Play All after a focus) doesn’t go to the Masher, it always takes over the whole play. So I can’t combine things.

In fact, I can’t even Play Artist after the current song is over, in a nice transition, I have to wait until the song is over.

Means I need to construct a focus of everything I want, maybe making tabs or something, and then Play All from there. Cumbersome. Or did I miss something?

Ok, ok, this is perhaps an edge case. But it did occur to me in a real world party situation.

we dont actually have a play artist… we have a radio like feature for artist, which does radio like stuff, but limited to the artist’s tracks.

I remember the team having long and heated debates over this… argh. @mike @brian @enno

I would like to be able to add those songs (play artist) to the queue.

You’re listening to some music, following links in the biographies or album descriptions and then it makes sense to me to be able to add “Play Artist” songs to the queue.
Now it feels like there is something missing, it presents a roadblock in my flow.

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