Play count for Qobuz and Tidal tracks not in library

The way counts are tracked and displayed can be confusing! In most cases, what you’re seeing is a difference in the way tracks are accessed when playing a playlist created by your streaming service vs one created by you in Roon.

  • When a track or album from Qobuz/Tidal is saved to your local library, it will be tracked appropriately when played from your local library.

  • When you create a playlist in Roon, you’re playing from your local library, so it should also be tracked appropriately.

  • When you are listening to a playlist that has been created by the streaming service, those are not tracked, even if you listen through Roon. It has to do with the way those services access the tracks, which makes it impractical for Roon to count them. Briefly, Tidal or Qobuz may have tens of identical tracks from a number of sources (multiple album releases, etc.) and it might play from any one of them at any given time when going through their playlist. However, Roon treats each track from each source individually, and it’s impractical to aggregate counts from different sources.

  • Similarly, if you add or replace a library item (from a ripped CD, for example) Roon is unable to discern that it is “the same” and will treat it as a brand new track.