TIDAL tracks not playing [resolved: 790 improved]

Hi @Francois_De_Heel, @noris,
because of my trials I have a similar picture. At some days there are almost no or just a few skips and I always try to do speed tests at the same time. General internet speed at my connection is always very good (>900Mbps). But today for example I compared 2 skips (around 12:50o’clock) from Tidal with a diagramm about Tidal down times from the internet (People report issues there).

These 2 recognized issues were at the same time as other poeple reported issues with Tidal.
I guess you also find more skips if you stream higher volume files like MQA 96kHz from Tidal.
I never realized these skips with other Apps, but they also don’t show it quite clear.
Roon seem to me very sensitive at these bandwith variations. :cry:
Maybe this helps.