Please add Europa FM Madrid

when I add it to my live radio it appears but won’t play

I can’t find a working stream anywhere - including Tunein and even from the website.

Is it new and in the process of setting up?

no, it’s been around for years, works un TuneIn and other webradio sites

dissecting the web site pages you can find a simple url that works directly in a web browser is but Roon won’t accept it

Yes, I inspected the site - but that stream doesn’t work at all anywhere.

And I couldn’t find a site that played the station. If you know of one, please tell me.

I tried using a VPN as well

Where are you situated?

I am situated in Bilbao, Spain. And the last link I gave you plays in my safari browser.

I suspect the radio is geolocating the location to switch to a local program/local advertisements of its own depending on the community and it might well be geofenced :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: , like the kiss fm españa radio and a few others. That practice is common here and would explain why there are so few spanish radios in Roon compared to other countries

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Hold on - I found a different VPN to Spain and got it working. It seems to be geo-restricted to Spain. Let me work on it after lunch…

too common practice around here :grimacing:

OK, firstly, the .m3u8 stream actually contains .ts streams which cause Roon problems.

However, I believe I have found a .aac stream which should work. I can’t test it in Roon but I’ve added it - Europa FM Madrid

Please try and check for me.

Works here, you first get advertisement then after a while it switche to the live stream of EuropaFM Madrid.


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