Please add ogg format to My Live Radio feature


I will be more than happy when I could add radio stations streamed in ogg format.

Thank you in advance

Thank you for the interest @Andrzej_R, I’ll ensure that the Roon devs are aware.

Are there many such stations that are causing you problems? I come across the odd one, but not many, and sometimes I can find an alternative stream that Roon can use.

Thank you @BrianW for swift response.

Yes, that’s right. There are not so many streams broadcasting in ogg format.
However, my fav radio does. Also, might not be many roon’ers interested in one polish radio, thus I considered to ask just for OGG ability in My Live Radio.
In this scenario, anyone who wanted to listen to an ogg streamed radio could add url into MLR. Obviously, for those who already installed ffmpeg decoder pack.
It would be a nice extension to roon.

Which is? Can we possibly find an alternative stream for you?

I would like to request the same. Maybe there is not too many stations but i’m not lucky and the one one i’m listen in the quality is accept is ogg


Yes, that’s the one!
@BrianW I have found it on TuneIn (mp3@130kbps VBR) but as @KuSz mentioned, only acceptable SQ comes from unofficial OGG stream (ogg@226kbps as far as I remember) and for sure is not up-sampling.
@BrianW I don’t think it should be a huge project for roonDevs to just link VorbisOGG codec (ffmpg installed) with MLR exactly the same way as we have mp3 or acc already.

Many Thanks

I found this stream
which is 192 mp3.

Any good? If acceptable I could add station to Live Radio.

The devs are aware of the ogg requirement.

EDIT I added the stream anyway.