Please add radiko, Japan

In Japan, radiko is used to listen to the radio of commercial broadcasters on the Internet. Therefore, even if you select Japanese for “Live Radio”, there is only one Japanese broadcasting station.

It’s a service limited to Japan, so I think it’s a low priority, but I’m very happy that radiko will be available on Roon someday.
Thank you.

Hello @currycooqoo , radiko is a service offering a collection of radio stations and as such we can’t add it. I can, however, try and add the individual Japanese stations it shows

Is there any particular one you would like?

(We’re pretty sparse at the moment - just Ottava and Jazz Sakura)

Not at all.

Many commercial broadcasters in Japan are distributed through radiko, so it is not possible at this time to add them individually to Roon.
Thank you.

Are you saying there is a commercial block to doing so? I think I could extract a stream but won’t if there is a reason not to.

Technical and license agreement issues.

You can write a simple program and authenticate it, so you can play it in other than Roon. However, this probably violates radiko’s license agreement.

Adding a URL to Roon is technically impossible, as authentication is required each time you get the URL of a stream.

I understand that radiko’s service is only available in Japan and this request has a very low priority. However, I would appreciate it if you could support radiko as an official service of Roon someday.

Ok. I won’t circumvent these.

Passing on to @dylan to note.

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By the way, radiko is officially supported by some personal audio devices and home audio devices sold in Japan.
Other than that, Amazon Echo and Google Home also support radiko.

I couldn’t find the radiko’s English website at all. Sorry.

I used the japanese site, and, as you say, authentication is required to play the streams.

Yes (AuthToken, PartialKey, etc.), however, you can listen to this service without user registration or login (Access is limited to from within Japan).
If it is free, you can listen to the radio stations in the area where the user lives. If you pay, you can listen to radio from all over Japan.

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