Please add Radio24 Il Sole 24 ore

Hi there,

could you please add Radio 24 - il Sole 24 ore to the Roon Radio list for Italy?
It’s the most important Italian all News broadcaster:

The stream is directly from the homepage of the radio website, in the past I managed to add the radio using the website address on roon, manually adding this radio station, but now it’s not more streaming, I’ve tried now also to add the TuneIn stream address but with similar results (i.e. no sound produced)

Thanks in advance for your help.

Hello @Marco_Piattelli , welcome to live radio.

I’ve added Radio 24 - Il Sole 24 Ore for you, please check if OK.

I don’t know why Roon wouldn’t accept the TuneIn stream - I can’t see a problem with it. I’ll inform the devs about it.

Thanks @BrianW I’ve found Radio 24 in the local Italian radio lists, tried the stream and works perfectly!
Appreciated the prompt fix.

On TuneIn stream, now that the Radio 24 is listed under your official Roon radio list for Italy, I don’t have more need to use it.


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