Please Add SBS Chill and some other Sydney (Australia) Radio Stations

Hi there, I’m not sure if I am in the right place, but is it possible for you to add “SBS Chill” to Live Radio? I don’t know what information you need: the website is SBS Chill | SBS Audio.

If I am going to be selfish, if possible can you please also add the following stations? These are “radio” rather than “audio” stations, but it will save me flipping between different applications on my equipment!
Smooth FM
Smooth Vintage FM
Smooth Relax FM

Many thanks! I came across Roon a month ago, and it is far better than my previous application for listening to my music files. And it integrates very well with QoBuz. Well done!

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Hello @Graeme_McLeod , this is certainly the right place - we are pleased to help.

I’ve added
SBS Chill
Smooth Vintage
for you.

Smooth Relax and Smooth 95.3 were already there.
I notice there are some local alternatives for the main Smooth station; is there a particular one you want?

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Hi Brian,

Thanks for adding these so promptly, appreciated.

I did some looking and found Smooth Relax and Smooth 95.3 (Sydney): for some reason they were not showing up as “local” stations but were available when I did some searching.

All good now, I am a happy man!

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That’s because Roon had placed them somewhere off the coast of Japan.

I’ve moved them (and a few others) back.

They should show up in your local listings now.

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