Please add Sleep timer in Roon [done]

+1 to request a sleep timer in the app please!! Also a global volume slider for all the speakers in a zone instead of just the + and - icons please. Thank you!


I understand there are extensions, but I got lost at “download node.js” or something. I think Sleep timer and Alarm should be included features not extensions. Alternatively, extensions need to be a lot easer.


Please @Roon, this is not a complicated feature to add.

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Yes, +1 here. I like to listen to music as I fall asleep, and for this I have to revert to the Sonos app to shut off the zone - seems like a no-brainer to have this feature in Roon. I am not interested in hacking the software to include external code. Pretty please ?


Yes ! :smiley:
This is a simple thing to implement and pretty useful!


Plus 1. It’s a bummer having to flip to BluSound to activate a timer. Folks have been asking for this feature for a good while now.

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    I will like it.

There is a Roon extension Sleep Timer at Sleep Timer

Thanks Alex - I run a Mac and installing extensions has never been clear to me. I want it baked into the core application - just like in BluSound.

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Hi Israel,
I am running Mac mini too and setup instructions I wrote in read me file are for Mac (and linux). But you should prepare your Mac to run Roon extensions by installing Nodejs first (execition environment for Roon extensions):

Nodejs tutorial for Mac Os X

You should proceed up to Step 6. Instead of step 6, follow instructions from Sleep Timer readme file for further installation.

Roon extension appears under Roon->Extensions only when you run node . command. You can make an automator application to run Sleep Timer and than add this application to login action list of your Mac Os to run SleepTimer automatically on MacOs boot.

ropieee on a raspberry Pi also can run the Alarm extension which can do sleep timer function and wake up too. And you can use it as a roon endpoint :slight_smile:

I love my Roon and I don’t understand why there is no Sleep Timer function. One of the most basic features in most software is not present in this premium product. I appreciate the extension available but I tried on my ROCK server and its a no go. Way too much tinkering for the average user. It should just be there in the native Roon SW. Please, thank you!

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My web browser doesn’t have such a feature as well as my office suite, the pdf reader, VLC Media Player, GIMP, Blender, … they are all missing this most basic feature. :worried:



Straight forward sleep timer. 15, 30, 45, 60 minutes. Set, roll over and drift off to the land of nod.
I was surprised that it wasn’t already part of Roon.
Don’t want a bolt-on, extension or WHY; nothing tweaky that needs to be added somewhere.


Why not just queue up the required length of music?

Lol, I’ve a couple of albums where I’ve actually never even heard the last 2 or 3 tracks.

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I use Hergest Ridge by Mike Oldfield - lovely album but it lets me drift off.

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+1 me parece una opción necesaria

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A sleep timer and wake-up alarm clock function I miss from my Squeezebox setup

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