Please add Smooth Jazz 247 to Live Radio

Would you kindly add Smooth Jazz 247 to the list of Live Radio services please?

Kind regards

Oxford Audio

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It has been added.
Please check it out.

Hi @Gerdy, thank you for adding the station.
A couple of things… I believe the station should be US, not UK, and it carries advertising (actually tailored to your location). I’ve made the edits but please revert if I’m wrong.

And an interesting one on the stream - it won’t play in the US. You only get 10s of station ID.

I’ve found a possible alternative, which says it’s Jazz247, although it plays different songs??. I can’t add it at the moment because it seems Roon’s stream testing isn’t working.


EDIT just heard them say “this stream is no longer being updated - please go to the website” (Or some similar phrase ). So I think I’ll change the stream when I get the chance.

Hi @BrianW, ok i let it over to you for this Radio Channel.

To add a radiolink first check the box Format to mp3, then set bitrate to 128, then sample rate to 44,1KHz also set the box Published to yes, and at last ad the URL to the Station and finally push save this will work for the moment.

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Aha., a good workround. Otherwise it hangs on “testing stream”
Now added, and the old one removed.

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