Please help me I lost the volume on my T3

All of a sudden my T3 does not have volume and the countdown does not count down. The circle is just a blank circle. I tried a hard reset and it still doing the same thing. Please help!


Welcome Allan, I’m not sure if you have seen it but there’s a useful troubleshooting guide at:-

Also, try powering down & disconnect the power for a few minutes and then try powering back up. If no joy try another reset, alternatively wait until Peter @wklie responds…good luck :crossed_fingers:t3:

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Please power cycle the T3.

In that does not work, factory reset it in Lumin app About T3.

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Thanks for the reply I power cycled and that did not work I factory reset it from the Lumin app that did not work and I also reset it from the back and it also did jot work . I am starting to wonder that my unit has gone bad because the countdown does not even come down and it will not play . Frustrating

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Please check PM.

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