Please use just one typeface [not on roadmap]

Except the common rule is sans-serif for the titles and serif for bodies of text. The other way round, as in Roon, is pretty rare.

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@phantomtides - Thanks for pointing out those pages. I completely missed the mixed typefaces. I appreciate you pointing this out.

Take care,

I do hope that Team Roon is reading this and can glean something out of this discussion. I saw some other threads regarding 1.8 that made me cringe. I dig the give and take on this subject.


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So that is probably “traditional” to use serif in mixed font use cases, but by no means typical. Look at this article, which I find quite instructive. Many examples of both, both look “normal” to me, and I agree that serifs while “in the old days” were associated with readability are definitely not always. I’m no expert, maybe they could have picked a different font face, but I think the idea is strong and with a little tweaking based on feedback they’ve gotten will look really nice to some, and everyone else will get used to it.


I certainly wouldn’t pretend to be a specialist, but I’ve done some typography in my time. The article you link to is actually quite good, but I would urge you to look at it again. Especially the “left/wrong vs right/correct” examples, as they pretty much make my point. There is not one “correct” example with a serif title and a sans-serif body. The closest you get is one example with a serif title, a sans-serif subtitle, and back to serif for the body.

I completely agree there are MANY things you can do with font. If you know what you’re doing that is. I don’t think the typefaces for 1.8 are horrible, my eyes don’t bleed, but even with my light background, I can tell this was not done by someone with the correct knowledge.


As fonts go I’ve got a bit of a thing for Kanit at the moment…

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