Port Forwarding Not Working on UniFi Router

I’ve setup dozens of forwarded ports over the years. It’s a no-brainer usually, but not with ROON.

Error is:
“connectivity”: {“status”:“NetworkError”,“status_code”:504,“error”:“error: Error: ETIMEDOUT, response code: undefined, body: undefined connected? undefined”},
“external_ip”: {“actual_external_ip”:“70.aaa.bbb.ccc”,“actual_external_ipv6”:“null”,“router_external_ip”:“null”},
“natpmp_autoconfig”: {“status”:“NotFound”},
“upnp_autoconfig”: {“status”:“NotFound”}

Hi @JS_Gladstone,

According to your error message, i think IPV6 is enabled on your router. Roon Arc doesn’t support IPV6 yet. Could you please disable it on your router and try again?


Hi Maarten, thanks for the quick response. As far as I can tell, IPv6 is off on my router. It is also disabled on the nic on the roon host.

Add your router details, country and ISP.

I’ve got as USG 3 and ARC works OK.

Using the iPhone app, in Settings>Internet>Primary I’ve got UPnP and IPv6 Connection both set to Disabled.

In Settings>Firewall & Security>Port Forwarding I’ve got this set up:

with the number "concealed" by the green splodge the same as that in Roon>Settings>Roon ARC/

Hope this helps!

Router is Ubiquiti USG-3P. ISP is COX. Country is US.

Post a screenshot of your port forward rule on the UDM, should look something like this:

Make sure the port being fwd’d matches the port set on the Roon core for Arc (and if the core is windows you have a firewall rule to allow that port incoming)

I did. See the post above.

How many networks have you got configured?

Noticed the IP of your UDM is 10.7.67.x did you modify the default network to use that subnet or create a new network?

I have two subnets. In any event, I was forced to reboot the router (it showed as offline in my Unifi controller), and now it looks good.

Thanks to all for the help. I’m happy to be joining this community.

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Just as an FYI then :slight_smile:

I found the hard way that modifying the default network can lead to some very weird things happening in UI with routing, port forwarding, traffic rules or devices going offline and failing to re-adopt etc.

I reset my UDM SE and left the default network alone and then created 3x new networks for home, work and lab. It’s been (fairly) glitch free since.

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