Thank you Sean,
If i understand correctly your question i’m using the standard way:
Ribbon cable + 2 GPIO thin cables (5V and ground) between screen and RPI. SDA and SDC wires not needed on RPI3.
Ifipower PSU is connected on touchscreen controller Microusb connector. i’m not using 5Vdc splitter.
One thing that I would ask, is have you got the red cable in the correct pin, in the attached photo? I have the red one position to the left, in the first pin.
Double check first - please don’t trust me as I’m not an expert.
It may not make a difference - maybe both pins are ok to use.
Thank you Sean, i will try with 5V (red) on the first pin.
I’ve disassembled my screen from the PI yesterday because of the SQ issue.
I will double check but according to @wizardofoz diagram (thank’s to him too) pin 2 and pin 4 are equally 5V.
Thank you Sean. I will try and let you know.
However, to be safe against SQ issues with touchscreen, my choice is a distinct PI, control only out of the audio path, to display web controller extension UI.
For remote/display i presume Ropiee would be OK in my setup as a Web Controller extension alternative. Even if i have to stick with Dietpi on the audio endpoint because i use RoonBridge and NAA (HQP networked player).
I’m in the same situation but when chrome is manually launched on the web controller extension URL this is very stable. However i presume a community script to auto boot UI will be available soon. Not a big deal.