I have a glass fibre modem from my provider T Mobile.
This is cable connected to my Asus RT-AX88U router.
Please the attached pictures of the router lay-out.
Hope this will give a clearer picture, and would be pleased if someone helps me out:-)
I have a glass fibre modem from my provider T Mobile.
This is cable connected to my Asus RT-AX88U router.
Please see the attached pictures of the router lay-out.
Hope this will give a clearer picture, and would be pleased if someone helps me out:-)
@Geert_van_der_Veer, your approach is correct between the Zyxel modem and the AX88, but you need to make sure the Zyxel forwards its port to the IP address of the AX88 (which may be, but you will need to confirm), and then on the AX88, the AX88 forwards to the IP address of your Roon Server computer. The forwarded port number of 55000 will be same on the Zyxel and AX88.
Were you able to manually set the port forwarding rules in each router and get a successful ping on the Roon → Settings → ARC page? We’re here to assist if not.
Another suggestion is to try a different port assignment range, in case the router firmware or other third-party software has reserved the 55000 range which ARC will usually autoconfigure.
I recommend changing to something like 57000 in Roon → Settings → ARC, as well as both port forwarding rules you have created in the routers.
On the Zyxel, are you activating only Port Forwarding and is the IP address that of your AX88 router? It appears it may be your Roon Server (the Core).
It appears you have both Port Triggering and Port Forwarding active on the AX88. I only have Port Forwarding active on my Asus router. What happens if you turn off Port Triggering on the AX88?
And in the Port Forwarding rule on the AX88, is the IP address shown that of the Roon Server/Core?
Suggested tips were as installed.
In the end I switched UPNP on and off again.
After that the communication with the server was reset and worked:-)
Thanks for your support!