Problem with Rose Rs250 and hqplayer

If Jussi extracted the 7z img and installed it on the usb pen, the nuc bios gave priority to the usb, but it didn’t boot, it went directly to the nuc hd, as if it didn’t detect the bootable usb drive. Any ideas?

In bios you should disable Secure boot

What tool did you use to write the image? I know sometimes Etcher fails to write the image properly, so if that happens, trying another tool is a good idea.

Depending on default keys, that is not always even necessary. But if it fails, then it is good idea to turn off secure boot.

In addition, make sure you are booting in UEFI mode, my images don’t support legacy BIOS boot.

Hello, I finally got it to work (I hadn’t saved the boot order, clumsy of me). Now I have the problem that the sound comes very low to the Rose RS250, much lower than any of the sources, including Roon and Rose himself. I have the hq wheel at 0.0bB, red. How can I increase the volume?

Your device seems to have USB controlled volume. By default, Linux sets these to -60 dB or similar for safety reasons.

Login on the console as “root” (no password).

Then run “aplay -l” to list available playback devices. Take note on the card number of RS250.

Then run “alsamixer -c X” where X is number of the RS250 card. Use arrow keys etc to adjust the volume to 0 dBFS. Then hit ESC to exit the mixer control.

Then run “alsactl store” to save the settings for future boots. Now your hardware volume is set to maximum.

Thank jussi, now all ok

Hi Jussi Since the Nuc did not work very well with my Rose 250, I acquired the UPBoard that you recommend and I put the image naa-x64ramfs.7z on it, but it happened that it sounded very quiet due to the protection that the Rose has. I applied the commands that you told me, but the image seems It does not have them implemented so I changed to the naa-x64.7z and with this image it works and I have been able to apply the commands to increase the volume. The questions are, this image is also optimized for the Upboard?, could you create a naa-64ramfs image that allows the alsa commands to increase the volume?, since I think it is the native image. greetings and thanks

Yes it is.

For it to be useful so that you don’t need to redo it on every reboot, it needs to be possible to store the settings on persistent storage. Which is of course not possible with ramfs image…

Gracias Jussi, una última pregunta cuando configure el mix de alsa la barra la dejé donde termina la línea blanca sin invadir la roja por miedo a que clipee. ¿Puedo ponerlo al final de la línea roja sin que clipee?

Just set the ALSA volume to 100% for (hopefully) bit-perfect passthrough of the digital volume on that side. Avoiding clipping should be managed at HQPlayer side, by never having volume set to higher than -3 dBFS.