Problems canceling Qobuz subscription

Hi, want to cancel my Qobuz subscription. Now neither the Web page, as suggested, allows to cancel nor does theirs support answer to my inquiries. Any experience, suggestion?

Cheers, Eberhard

Go to website, log in go to my account, my plan, cancel plan.

Hi Fietser, thanks a lot getting back to me. It’s the German presence, if I got to “my account” and “subscription”, I get this

Doesn’t fit Account, is about the download store, and doesn’t offer any way to cancel or change my subscription. In addition even though there seems to be support, it’s basically dead.

Cheers, Eberhard

seems it’s already cancelled.

Hi Fietser, right, I’ve to apologise. Turned out from a previous subscription I was using another mail address and canceled that subscription. For the recent one I used my actual mail address, but mixed with the old subscription, the account was still there.

So I found what I was looking for and can act. Thanks for your help!

Cheers, Eberhard